Artist + Mystic

Author. Master Coach. Facilitator

Welcome dear heart...

You're at a crossroads.

The way that you have been living isn't working.

It's created a semblance of success for sure. On the outside things look okay, good even, but every time you try and add in a little more spaciousness, pleasure or adventure, the whole thing falls apart.

You crave a life that feels as good on the inside as it perhaps looks on the outside.

You long for stability AND adventure. Authenticity AND acceptance....but you're not sure HOW

☞ It is time to leave your old life at the door.

Enter a world of alchemical magic, where you are held, nourished and deconditioned into confidence, charisma, truthful expression and wild sovereignty.

Here who you truly are and who you desire to be, become one.

You no longer need to choose.

You are no longer required to live by a regimen of 'should's' and 'musts.'

Your authenticity is neither too much, nor not enough.

Welcome to a world that does not ask you to change yourself in exchange for success, but inspires you to create fulfilment through your own freedom and playful spirit.

Come, sit with me by the fire.....

Glow up and become full of yourself!

Start your adventure today.


Every good adventure requires a compass!

I help awesome weirdos; neurospicy, creatives, seekers, healers, space holders & personal development veterans take their life experience to the next level by teaching them what to trust & what to tune out.

Taking you 'From Misfit To Maven®️' I give you your missing compass and map so that you can find your personalised, stable yet fun freedom + belonging.

By blending Human Design, somatic awarenessing, and nervous system regulation tools I help you Embody Your Design®️, accept and integrate your unique operating system.

By sharing the stories of The Kismet Codes®️ I show you how to affirm your true nature and counterbalance any challenges.

Every offer I have for you is about you coming home to your wildest, truest essential self, glowing up, and becoming full of yourself. 

I am an empowerment, embodiment and full self-expression facilitator and guide. I'm kick-ass + kind, and my signature style of loving yet ‘brutal honesty’ puckishly assists you in initiating into a bolder, more playful & more courageous you.

My courses, experiment experiences and guides initiate you into self-actualised Adulthood, and allow you to heal that which no longer serves you or your lineage.

Engaging with them leads to you assuming the correct amount of responsibility for your life and fulfilling your true potential. Being fully resourced allows you to lead (your self, family, clients) with the kind of potent intimacy that will change the world.

Welcome dear heart...

Leave your old life at the door.

In my world of alchemical magic, you are held, nourished and deconditioned into confidence, charisma, truthful expression and wild sovereignty.

Who you truly are and who you desire to be, become one.

You no longer need to choose.

You are no longer required to live by a regimen of 'should's' and 'musts.'

Your authenticity is neither too much, nor not enough.

Welcome to a world that does not ask you to change yourself in exchange for success, but inspires you to create fulfilment through your own freedom and playful spirit.

Come, sit with me by the fire.....In time we'll walk into the flames together, alchemising. empowering, embodying and expressing all that it is to be both human and divine.

Glow Up and become full of yourself!

Start your adventure today.


Every good adventure requires a compass!

I help awesome weirdos; neurospicy, creatives, seekers, healers, space holders & personal development veterans take their unique magic to the next level by teaching them what to trust & what to tune out.

Taking you 'From Misfit To Maven', by blending Embodied Human Design, Multiple Brain Integration Technique, Tantric Numerology, Esoteric Astrology, Shadow work, and a range of other Somatic & intuitive tools.

This journey is about you coming home to your wildest, truest essential self and becoming full of yourself. 

I am an empowerment, embodiment and full self-expression facilitator and guide. I'm kick-ass + kind, and my signature style of loving yet ‘brutal honesty’ puckishly assists you in initiating into a bolder, more playful & more courageous you. So that you self-actualise and fulfil your true potential while being fully resourced and leading with the kind of intimacy that will change the world.

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